WebSockets for Modern Web Development: Node.js and React.js Integration

Dev Balaji
9 min readMay 19, 2023



WebSocket is a communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. It enables real-time, two-way communication between a client (typically a web browser) and a server.

WebSocket is designed to overcome the limitations of traditional web communication, which relied on HTTP polling or long-polling techniques to achieve real-time updates. With WebSocket, a persistent connection is established between the client and server, allowing data to be sent and received asynchronously without the need for continuous polling.

Features of WebSocket

  1. Full-duplex communication: Both the client and server can send data to each other simultaneously, allowing for real-time bidirectional communication.
  2. Low overhead: WebSocket has a lightweight header compared to HTTP, reducing the amount of data exchanged during the initial handshake and subsequent messages.
  3. Efficiency: WebSocket eliminates the need for frequent HTTP requests and reduces network latency, providing faster and more efficient communication.
  4. Real-time updates: WebSocket enables real-time data streaming and instant updates, making it ideal for applications that require live data, such as chat applications, stock tickers, multiplayer games, collaborative tools, and real-time dashboards.
  5. Cross-domain support: WebSocket supports cross-origin communication, allowing connections to be established between different domains or subdomains.

To use WebSocket, both the client and server need to support the WebSocket protocol. Most modern web browsers have built-in WebSocket support, and there are WebSocket libraries and frameworks available for various programming languages on the server side. These libraries simplify the process of handling WebSocket connections, sending and receiving messages, and managing the WebSocket lifecycle.

How is WebSocket different from traditional web communication..?

WebSocket, HTTP polling, HTTP streaming, and Server-Sent Events (SSE) are all different techniques used for real-time communication between a client (typically a web browser) and a server. While they serve similar purposes, there are notable differences among them.

1. WebSocket:
WebSocket is a communication protocol that provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. It enables bidirectional, real-time communication between the client and the server. Here are the key characteristics of WebSocket:

  • Persistent Connection: WebSocket establishes a long-lived connection between the client and the server, allowing them to send and receive data in real time without the need for repeated requests.
  • Low Latency: WebSocket minimizes latency by eliminating the overhead of establishing a new connection for every request/response cycle.
  • Efficiency: WebSocket uses a lightweight framing mechanism, reducing the overhead of data transmission.
  • Bi-directional Communication: Both the client and the server can send messages at any time without waiting for a request.
  • Protocol-based: WebSocket has its own protocol and requires support from both the client and server.

2. HTTP Polling:
HTTP polling is a traditional technique where the client repeatedly sends HTTP requests to the server at fixed intervals, asking if there are any new updates. Here’s how it works:

  • Client Sends Request: The client sends an HTTP request to the server, asking for updates.
  • Server Responds: The server either responds immediately with the latest updates if available or waits until new updates are available.
  • Client Receives Response: The client receives the response from the server, processes the updates, and initiates a new request.

Key characteristics of HTTP polling include ,

  • Polling Overhead: HTTP polling introduces additional overhead due to frequent requests, even if there are no updates.
  • Latency: There is potential latency between the time a server has new updates and when the client polls and receives them.
  • Increased Server Load: Frequent requests put more load on the server, especially in cases where updates are infrequent.

3. HTTP Streaming:
HTTP streaming, also known as long-polling or comet, is another technique used for real-time communication. It involves keeping an HTTP request open for an extended duration, allowing the server to send updates whenever they are available. Here’s how it works:

  • Client Sends Request: The client sends an HTTP request to the server and keeps the connection open.
  • Server Waits for Updates: The server holds the request open until new updates are available.
  • Server Responds: Once updates are available, the server sends a response with the updates.
  • Client Receives Response: The client processes the updates, and upon receiving the response, initiates a new request to maintain the connection.

Key characteristics of HTTP streaming include ,

  • Reduced Polling Overhead: HTTP streaming reduces the overhead of frequent requests by keeping the connection open.
  • Latency: There may still be latency between the time a server has new updates and when the client receives them.
  • Increased Server Load: Holding connections open for extended periods can consume server resources.

4. Server-Sent Events (SSE):
Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a unidirectional communication protocol that allows the server to push data to the client over a single HTTP connection. Here’s how it works:

  • Client Establishes Connection: The client sends an initial HTTP request to the server to establish a connection for SSE.
  • Server Pushes Data: The server can push data to the client at any time over the established connection.
  • Client Receives Data: The client receives the pushed data as a stream of events and processes them.

Key characteristics of Server-Sent Events include ,

- Unidirectional Communication: SSE allows the server to push data to the client, but the client cannot send data back through the same connection.
- Automatic

Reconnection: SSE supports automatic reconnection in case the connection is lost, providing resilience.
- Text-Based Data: SSE primarily handles text-based data, though it can be extended to support binary data.

So, while WebSocket, HTTP polling, HTTP streaming, and Server-Sent Events share the goal of real-time communication, they differ in terms of the nature of the connection, communication direction, overhead, latency, and server load. WebSocket provides bidirectional, low-latency, and efficient communication, while HTTP polling, HTTP streaming, and SSE offer different trade-offs depending on the specific use case and requirements.

Thinking….!!! Why Web Socket ?

  1. Real-time communication: WebSockets excel in scenarios that require real-time data updates and instant communication between a client and a server. Unlike traditional HTTP, which follows a request-response model, WebSockets enable real-time, bidirectional data flow. This makes them ideal for applications like chat systems, collaborative tools, real-time dashboards, multiplayer games, and financial trading platforms.
  2. Reduced latency and overhead: With WebSockets, you establish a long-lived connection between the client and server, eliminating the need to establish a new connection for every request. This reduces the latency and overhead associated with establishing and tearing down connections repeatedly, as is the case with HTTP. The persistent connection allows data to be transmitted quickly and efficiently, resulting in faster and more responsive applications.
  3. Efficient data transfer: Unlike HTTP, which includes additional headers in each request and response, WebSockets have a smaller overhead, resulting in more efficient data transfer. The protocol is designed to transmit data in a binary format, reducing the size of the payload and minimizing network congestion. This efficiency is especially valuable when dealing with large amounts of data or when working with limited bandwidth, such as in mobile applications or low-quality network environments.
  4. Bi-directional communication: WebSockets enable full-duplex communication, meaning that both the client and server can send messages to each other simultaneously. This bi-directional capability allows real-time updates and notifications to be pushed from the server to the client instantly. It eliminates the need for the client to repeatedly poll the server for updates, reducing unnecessary network requests and saving resources.
  5. Cross-platform and language-independent: WebSockets are supported by most modern web browsers and can be used with various programming languages and frameworks on the server side. This flexibility makes it easier to implement real-time communication in your application without worrying about compatibility issues or being tied to specific technologies.
  6. Scalability: WebSockets can be easily scaled to accommodate a large number of concurrent connections. Since the persistent connection is maintained, the server can handle multiple clients efficiently without consuming excessive resources. This scalability is crucial for applications that need to support many simultaneous users, such as chat applications or live streaming platforms.

While WebSockets offer numerous benefits, it’s important to note that they may not be the best choice for all types of applications. They are most suitable for scenarios that require real-time, bidirectional communication. For other cases, where simple request-response interactions are sufficient, traditional HTTP may still be the better option.

Now… How to use WebSockets with Node.js and React?

Sure! I’ll explain how to use WebSockets with Node.js and React in detail, along with an example.

WebSockets provide a persistent connection between a client (typically a web browser) and a server, allowing real-time communication. In this case, we’ll use Node.js as the server-side technology and React as the client-side technology.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use WebSockets with Node.js and React:

Step 1: Set up the Node.js WebSocket server

  • Start by creating a new Node.js project or navigating to your existing project directory.
  • Initialize a new Node.js project by running npm init in the terminal and following the prompts.
  • Install the required dependencies. In this case, we’ll use the ws package, which provides WebSocket server and client functionality. Run npm install ws to install it.
  • Create a new JavaScript file, let’s call it server.js, and require the ws package at the top:
const WebSocket = require('ws');
  • Create a WebSocket server by instantiating a new WebSocket.Server object and specifying the port on which the server will listen:
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 8080 });
  • Define the event handlers for different WebSocket events. For example, to handle a new connection, you can use the connection event:
wss.on('connection', (ws) => {
console.log('A new client connected');

// Handle incoming messages
ws.on('message', (message) => {
console.log(`Received message: ${message}`);

// Broadcast the message to all connected clients
wss.clients.forEach((client) => {
if (client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {

// Handle client disconnection
ws.on('close', () => {
console.log('Client disconnected');
  • Start the WebSocket server by running node server.js in the terminal.

Step 2: Set up the React WebSocket client

  • Create a new React project or navigate to your existing project directory.
  • Set up your React project using your preferred method (e.g., Create React App, manual setup).
  • Install the websocket package, which provides WebSocket client functionality, by running npm install websocket.
  • Open your React component file where you want to use the WebSocket connection, and import the websocket package:
import WebSocket from 'websocket';
  • Define a function to establish the WebSocket connection. You can create a new WebSocket instance and specify the server URL:
const establishWebSocketConnection = () => {
const ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:8080');

// Handle incoming messages
ws.onmessage = (event) => {
console.log(`Received message: ${event.data}`);
// Handle the received message as required

// Handle connection open
ws.onopen = () => {
console.log('WebSocket connection established');
// Perform any necessary actions when the connection is open

// Handle connection close
ws.onclose = () => {
console.log('WebSocket connection closed');
// Perform any necessary actions when the connection is closed

// Handle connection errors
ws.onerror = (error) => {
console.error('WebSocket error:', error);
// Perform any necessary error handling

// Return the WebSocket instance to allow interaction with it
return ws;
  • Call the establishWebSocketConnection function when the component mounts or when needed:
componentDidMount() {
this.websocket = establishWebSocketConnection();
  • You can now use the this.websocket instance to send messages to the server or perform any other WebSocket operations.

That’s it! You have set up a WebSocket server using Node.js and established a WebSocket connection from a React client.

In this example, whenever a client sends a message to the server, the server broadcasts the message to all connected clients. On the client side, the received messages are logged to the console, but you can handle them according to your application’s requirements.

Remember to adapt the server and client URLs and ports based on your setup. Also, make sure to handle errors, authentication, and other relevant aspects based on your specific use case.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to use WebSockets with Node.js and React!

Happy Coding..



Dev Balaji
Dev Balaji

Written by Dev Balaji

🚀 Tech Enthusiast | 🌟 Mastering JavaScript & Frameworks | 💡 Sharing Tips & Tricks | 📘 Aspiring Blogger & Architect | 🐍 Python Practitioner

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